How to Grow (and Keep) Your Emergency Fund

The most solid strategy is to build an emergency fund – accessible, ready and able to support you and your family when you hit a rough patch. Let’s look at a few essentials on creating and protecting your rainy-day money, and how this fits into your overall wealth plan. 

Answers to 3 Big Questions on Clients’ Minds

I like every part of the presentation experience. Meeting the clients is motivating. I enjoy sharing what recently happened in markets, speaking to the current situation, and educating clients about future opportunities and risks. What I enjoy most is answering clients’ questions.

3 Roth Conversion Traps To Avoid After The SECURE Act

Roth conversions can be a powerful tax and retirement planning technique. The idea behind most Roth conversions is to take money from an IRA and convert it to a Roth IRA. Essentially, you’re paying taxes today instead of paying taxes in the future.

Making Sense of RMDs

The SECURE Act will impact millions of Americans who will inherit or leave behind a retirement account. Effective Jan. 1, 2020, the required minimum distributions on these accounts is 10 years – meaning you’ll likely need to adjust how much you withdraw annually as compared to the pre …

Making Sense of RMDs

The SECURE Act will impact millions of Americans who will inherit or leave behind a retirement account. Effective Jan. 1, 2020, the required minimum distributions on these accounts is 10 years – meaning you’ll likely need to adjust how much you withdraw annually as compared to the pre …

How Your Employee Benefits Fit into Your Financial Plan

Your Health Savings Account (HSA) is a cornerstone of your benefits planning. The money is triple tax-advantaged – contributions, growth and withdrawals for qualified expenses are not taxed. This account is like nothing else, and you need to take full advantage of it. 

10 Common Estate Planning Mistakes (and How to Avoid Them)

Estate planning and end of life planning are about taking control of your situation. Death and long-term care later in life might be hard to fathom right now, but we can’t put off planning out of fear of the unknown or because it’s unpleasant. Don’t wait for life to happen to you, though.

How to Think Three-Dimensionally About the Rent or Lease or Buy Question

There’s more to this central question – rent/lease versus buy – than simply the numbers in your bank account. What you don’t spend in cash, you may spend in time and energy; what you save in this market you may pay for a year from now when the market is depressed.

4 Ways To Improve Your Estate Plan

Most people want to plan for a good life and a good retirement, so why not plan for a good end of life, too? Let’s look at four ways you can refine your estate plan, protect your assets and create a level of control and certainty for your loved ones.

How to Maximize Your Giving with a Donor-Advised Fund

Many of us have memories of family giving practices. For some, it was that dime from your allowance that your parents said goes to the church. For others, it was the yearly (or more often) volunteering trip to help out at the local mission/soup kitchen. Or it might have been a policy of giv …

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