Market Commentary: The October Bounce Continues

Stocks had a solid week, gaining nearly 5%. The jump was sparked by rumors on Friday that the Federal Reserve will raise rates by 75 basis points in November and then consider smaller hikes going forward. The market has priced in an extremely hawkish Fed, and any slight tilt to a more dovis …

Keys to Finishing the Year Financially Strong

It’s not too late to make some adjustments and finish this year fiscally strong. Find out how in our on-demand webinar Keys to Finishing the Year Financially Strong with Carson Group’s Senior Wealth Planners Tom Fridrich and Kevin Oleszewski.

Market Commentary: The Case for the Formation of a Major Low

We’ll get to the disappointing inflation data next, but Thursday morning had a pure panic feel to it — potentially the washout that is needed for lows to form.

Quarterly Market Outlook Highlights: Q4 2022

Carson Partners’ Ryan Detrick shares key events we saw in the past quarter and how we think they’ll affect markets in the upcoming quarter. Contact us to speak with a financial advisor.

Market Commentary: Did the Lows Just Take Place? Maybe.

October is known as a bear market killer, as many bear markets have ended during this month. Some of the most famous were the 1974 and 2002 bears, which both ended within the first two weeks of October. Those bears were down more than 48% and 49%, respectively, when the ultimate lows took p …

Commonly Overlooked Employee Benefits

Have questions about how to incorporate your employee benefits into your financial plan? Talk to your financial advisor today or request an initial meeting with one of our highly qualified fiduciary advisors. Download the checklist today to get started.  

Market Commentary: October Is Misunderstood

October Is Misunderstood Good riddance to September, as both stocks and bonds had another rough month. When it was all said and done, the S&P 500 fell 9.3% for the worst September since 2008 and one of the worst ever. For the quarter, the S&P 500 lost 5.3%. That was the third consec …

Your Most Common Social Security Questions Answered

Chances are good we’ve all felt a bit like Rachel on “Friends” when she peruses her first paycheck in bewilderment and says, “Who’s FICA? And why’s he taking all my money?”

Market Commentary: Things Are Bad, and That Could Be Good

Stocks had another rough week. The S&P 500 flirted with the June lows and swung back into bear market territory. Investors are worried about inflation, the Fed, the economy, the Russia-Ukraine war, among other market challenges.

How to Optimize Social Security

Optimizing your Social Security benefits can have a big impact on your quality of life in retirement.   Carson’s Senior Wealth Planner Ryan Yamada hosted the webinar How to Optimize Social Security, which is now available on-demand. 

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